Solutions Property Finder Services Ltd
Disabled residential home finder for Personal Injury Solicitors, Medical Negligence Solicitors, Case Managers, Deputies and their Clients
Solutions Property Finder Services Limited tailor property searches for people with disabilities and their families in England, Wales and Scotland.
We provide a range of additional services related to the purchase and or rental of a property.
Finders Fee
Worked with over clients
01 The process of Finding a property
The property investigation for purchase or rental, begins with instructions from a Solicitor dealing with Personal Injury, Medical Negligence, Case Manager and Deputy.
Understanding the needs of the individual allows us to tailor our market analysis to the specific needs provided. These requirements in the instructions could include family dynamics, employment, education, medical services for their disability, space for hobbies, pets, and any other niche details.
We understand every situation is different to each client, therefore we tailor each instruction accordingly.
02 Property Visits
Once the instruction is received, we carefully consider all the information available before providing feedback to all parties involved. This information enables us to identify the appropriate property that satisfies the client’s needs. Once a suitable property has been found that fits the needs of the disabled person, we can successfully manage negotiations for the purchase or rental of the property.
03 Report
At the conclusion of our investigations we prepare a report for Instructing Solicitors, Case Managers, Deputy and Client advising those instructed on the suitability of the property and the price point. Once an agreement is reached on a property for the disabled person, we will negotiate on behalf of the client the purchase or rental price. We make sure the cost of our service is priced reasonably competitively.